Glossary of Complaint Terms
Firm Name
The name of the legal entity or company authorised by the FCA, which we are required to report complaint data under. A firm can incorporate a number of brands or trading names.
Brands/trading names
All registered trading names of a company
Period covered
The FCA complaint reporting period to which the published data relates. We report complaint data to the FCA twice a year for the periods 1st April to 30th September; and 1st October to 31st March. We have 30 business days from the end of the reporting period to submit our reports.
Intermediation Column
So that comparisons can be made across firms of different sizes, the figures in the 'Intermediation' column are put into context of 'complaints per 1000 mortgage and insurance policies arranged', all other figures are volumes of complaints within the period covered by the report.
Complaints Opened
New FCA reportable complaints received during the complaint reporting period.
Complaints Closed
Complaints resolved during the FCA complaint reporting period. A degree of overlap means some complaints are opened in one reporting period and closed in another.
Means by which we give the figures in each complaint publication report relevance so they are more useful to readers i.e. how many complaints the firm received in relation to the amount of business they undertake.
Closed within 8 Weeks
Illustrates our timeliness in handling complaints. Under FCA complaint handling rules we have 8 weeks from the date we receive a complaint to provide a final response or explain why we are not yet in a position to respond (usually complex cases).
Complaints upheld
Complaints where we find in the customer's favour.
Product Category
The product/service groupings under which firms are required to report complaint data to the FCA. Complaints about all products and services we offer fall into to one of the following FCA categories – Home finance and General insurance and pure protection:
Home finance - incorporates complaints about mortgages and loans secured on property including equity release products; impaired credit mortgages; and other regulated and non-regulated home finance products.
General insurance and pure protection - incorporates complaints about general insurance products such as buildings and contents insurance; together with protection products such as income protection; payment protection insurance and critical illness insurance